24-7 Global Monitoring
Our goal editors work around the clock locating links to articles that will be delivered to your inbox before the market opens.
Personalized Content
You choose the sectors, tickers, and subject categories that matter to you. You can add, remove or modify your interests at any time.
Prepared For Institutional Investors
Editorial Excellence
Combining artificial intelligence with the human element, our editors curate from hundreds of the world's most important global, national and vertical-specialized newspapers, journals and websites.
Delivery Options
Whatever you select, pre and post markets each day, we send you the stories we've flagged for you in individual emails (optional), as well as in a digest email of linked headlines.
200-500 Stories Per Session
Every session, normally twice daily pre and post markets, we select between 200-500 manually curated stories.
Real-time Trending
Because we curate every news session manually, we sometimes spot mounting signs across areas that some kind of financial, political or social storm is brewing. You can choose to watch 'developing themes' like this as well.
Bespoke Projects
You can request stories on bespoke subject areas for a specific project or transcripts from most financial television appearances.
Send requests to: info@vtig.com